Why testing?

1- To identify mobility issues

2- To identify weakness in performance factors

3- To plan training intervention, such as workouts and maximal workloads

4- To adjust training program when progress is made


 Motor skills tests

Motor skills such as balance, agility, speed, power and strength are important components of sports performance and injury prevention.

Tests are specifically designed for each type of sport.

  • Lower, upper limbs and core strength

  • Maximal Power

  • Peak and average speed

  • Agility test

  • Balance test

  • Values are plotted on a radar plot

  • Values are compared to literature for same athletes

 Biomechanics analysis

A full biomechanics analysis can help determining the safest and most efficient way to perform the movement.

  • Linear and angular position

  • Velocity and acceleration

  • Center of mass analysis and movement efficiency

  • Asymmetries between right and left

  • Power and external torque

  • Intralimb and interlimb coordination

  • Reaction time, movement time and response time

  • Values are compared to literature for elite athletes


 Force measurement

Measure the Upper and Lower limb strength using ForceFrame Testing System: a fast, reliable, and repeatable system for testing and training.

  • Real time asymmetries between right and left limbs

  • Elbow, ankle, hip shoulder muscles tests

  • Precise results to prescribe isometric training


 Physiological tests

Optimize your energetic system for the type of sports you perform. Training workload can be planned based on athlete`s maximal and submaximal physiological intensities.

  • Estimated VO2max

  • Maximal HR and HR zones

  • Calculated aerobic and anaerobic thresholds

  • Maximal Anaerobic capacity (Wingate test)

  • Muscle fatigue rate

  • Critical Power